First, as there are a lot of people out there wanting validation for RAW feeding, based upon one study available, I have provided a clear explanation of why it validates what I believe, in that ingredients are everything, and not what the proponents of RAW feeding insist is appropriate for pet food selection, namely the processing method.
Then this page continues with further information backed by science linked to the hypertext such as
How Protein is Measured including instructions for Dry Matter Calculations that allow comparison of foods processed by any method if you have the complete guaranteed analysis
The controversy between high protein diet and CRF
The Good Grains and Vegetable Content, again with the science that tells me these are better than other plant based nutrient sources for SECONDARY nutrient sources. Always the muscle meat comes first.
At the bottom of this page we include information on Moducare that we have found to be a good immune system support.
Just click on the hypertext above that suits your fancy.